楼主 |
发表于 2024-3-29 19:59
GIANT SUNSPOT APPROACHES "THE DANGER ZONE": After a few days of stalled progress, sunspot AR3615 is growing again. A 50% increase in surface area since yesterday has ballooned one of its dark cores to triple the size of Earth. "I saw the sunspot this morning just off the wingtip of an RAF A400," says Marc Charron, who sends this picture from Ayr, Scotland:
"The plane was doing training circuits from Prestwick, Scotland, and on one pass it crossed the sun from where I was standing," says Charron. "The massive sunspot group AR3615 was clearly visible through the clouds, while AR3619 and AR3614, respectively, can be seen above that group."
As Charron's photo shows, AR3615 is approaching the western edge of the sun. That's "the danger zone." Sunspots located there are magnetically connected to Earth via the Parker Spiral. If AR3615 erupts while it is transiting the danger zone, energetic protons and electrons may be funneled back toward our planet for a days-long radiation storm. Stay tuned!
来自:spaceweather.com |
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